Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Flick Picks 7/23/10

The summer of slow movie openings continues this week. The only opening of note, for me, is the thriller Salt. It's getting decent reviews and a 99 minute action flick suits my summer taste. Ramona and Beezus opens as well. Still in theaters that's worth a look? Inception (which I will probably see again), Toy Story 3, Cyrus, Solitary Man, The Sorcerer's Apprentice and Despicable Me. An interesting opportunity is available in Newport this weekend. You can see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo at the Opera House, then walk up the hill and see The Girl Who Played with Fire at the Jane Pickens. If you need to kill time, I suggest a beverage at Yesterdays across the street. And me? I'm going to be in NYC this weekend. We have tickets to see the Broadway play Race, with the wonderful Eddie Izzard, on Saturday and there's a bridal shower for my daughter on Sunday. Will there be time for a movie? We'll see ......


2 Dollar Productions said...

This summer movie slate has depressed me. Seriously. Got 'Inception' tonight and 'Kids are All Right' in the future.

Salt is only 99 minutes. Maybe. I bet it's solid, but feel like I've seen Jolie do that before. A lot.

Linda said...

2D~Agree, this summer movie season has been crap. Hope you like Inception, I'm going to see it again.