Sunday, February 08, 2009


I am so glad that I took my 10 and 12 year old nephews with me to see Coraline. We all thoroughly enjoyed the film, but even better was the 2 hour discussion that followed. I think a lot of the concepts in this story will be lost on younger children. Based on the novella, Coraline, the story of a young girl who moves into a house with a creepy secret, is best left to unfold for the viewer, no spoilers here. The basic theme of this story is courage. Coraline has an inner bravery that we all hope for in adverse situations. I heard the author, Neil Gaiman, say that, "being brave is when you are scared and do it anyway." He stated that scary stories appeal to us, because they show us that bad people can be defeated. Coraline is scary, intense, thought provoking, intricate and uplifting. I'm glad I had such good company to see this film. And, oh yeah, the film is gorgeous!


Farzan said...

Also saw the move two days ago and posted a review for it on my blog. Its really a great movie and one that I really enjoyed. I thought it was one of the best non-Pixar animated movies released. Going to buy it for sure on Blu Ray.

Linda said...

Farzan~I'll own this one also, so much to see.