Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Flick picks 12/18/09

For a movie fan, the weeks around Christmas are maddening. Tons of great film in theaters and no time to see them. I'll take family and friends over film. I know, shocking. So I watch all these great films tumble into theaters on and around Christmas, but they will have to wait a bit for me. What films am I talking about? This week it's Avatar and Up in the Air. Technically, Up in the Air is playing in MA, but Seekonk appears to be the new Providence. (what the hell??) Both will get my attention after Christmas. The Damned United is at the Cable Car, hope they hold it over a few weeks, I'd like to see it in the theater. Bad Lieutenant, Men Who Stare at Goats and The Messenger are at the Avon. At the multiplex? There's drama with The Blindside, Invictus, 2012, New Moon, Precious, Brothers and Everybody's Fine. For the family there's A Christmas Carol, The Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Princess and the Frog. Lots of good stuff playing in (and around) RI this holiday season!


Anonymous said...

You must see Avatar, Linda. Preferably in IMAX 3D. Guaranteed to melt your mind! I've just posted my review as well.

I'll definitely check out Up in the Air and The Messenger as well. Hope the Holidays treat you and yours well!

2 Dollar Productions said...

Have a great holiday season Linda - hope you make a lot of films. I'm going to be way behind, but plan to catch up starting the following weekend (but have seen Bad Lieutenant - you have to see it to believe it).

Linda said...

Victor~Sorry so long to answer here. Avatar, Up in the Air and Messenger are all on my list for the holiday break. I'll be at Providence Place for Avatar for sure! Happy Holidays!

Linda said...

2D~Thanks for the Bad Lieutenant recommendation. Hope it stays in RI over the holidays. If not, it's in my Netflix queue. I'm looking forward to a ridiculous consumption of film over the holiday weekends. Enjoy your holidays as well!