Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Flick Picks 6/13/08

The beauty of living in a small state, is that things are pretty close together. I'm having my car serviced tomorrow, and there is a movie theater across the street. Guess where I will be while my oil is being changed?? hehe The Incredible Hulk opens this weekend. A great addition to the other summer action films, Iron Man, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. and The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian. The kids will have fun at Kung Fu Panda, and those gals from Sex an the City are still going strong in RI theaters. In art houses we've got Roman de Gare, Priceless and The Visitor. Enjoy!


TonyD said...

I've been dying to see priceless, but it has never come around my neck of the woods.

Linda said...

Tonyd~Priceless is on a one week run around here, not sure I'll get to it myself. Might have to wait for the DVD. Always enjoy Tautou's work.